Tier 2:GRIF
(Redirigé depuis Tier 2 GRIF)
- Scientific Project Leader : Jean-Pierre Meyer (CEA-IRFU)
- Technical Project Leader : Michel Jouvin (LAL)
The GRIF project (« Grille au service de la Recherche en Ile-de-France ») is a combined effort of the six laboratories of high energy physics in Paris region (Ile de France) to setup a unique computing and disk ressources based on grid computing technologies. This ressource consists in more than 18000 computing cores and almost 8 petabytes of storage and is used by regional academics users. Engineers taking care of these ressources are also in charge of other duties (teachinh, expertise in development and project management), easing the use of grid for new users.
The GRIF project:
- is a major computing and storage center, called Tier 2 and Tier 3, for LHC ("Large Hadron Collider") experiments at CERN, as part of the WLCG (“World Lhc Computing Grid”) project;
- gives computing and storage ressources for other collaborations of the GRIF laboratories as well as for other disciplines as part of the EGI project (“European Grid Infrastructure”);
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