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--Chollet 11:41, 27 janvier 2010 (CET)

Pilot jobs working group of the Technical Forum (wiki)

Support of Multi-user pilot jobs (MUPJ) for LHC VOs

In December 09, the WLCG Management Board asked the WLCG Technical Forum to provide recommendations on the use of multi-user pilot jobs, in particular on the deployment and configuration of glexec and its usage by the experiment frameworks.


- MUPJ in principle supported
- Most of the sites/resources compatible with glexec setuid 
    o many sites require it in the medium terms
    o strongly preferred by CMS and ATLAS
- Many sites prohibit bypassing glexec on internal errors (with some tolerance for the time being)
- Proposed course of actions :


  • Glasgow wiki page (glexec and SCAS installation and configuration)