You can find here some of the publicly available documents of the LCG-France project. Most of them are managed by the IN2P3 document management system (EDMS) so you may need your EDMS identifier for retrieving them. If you have not an EDMS account yet, please look at the GDT web site for instructions on getting one.
Access to LCG-France EDMS@IN2P3 documentation
Protocole d'Accord LCG-France - MoU for LCG-France sites (in french)
Ce document définit les modalités de collaboration entre les partenaires LCG-France dans le cadre de la conduite du projet LCG-France. Sa première version a été approuvée le 05/03/08. Le MoU LCG-France a été révisé le 8 octobre 2010.
[ LCG-France project description]
This document describes the goals, organisation, required budget and expected results of the project (in french). new version, february 10th,2011 The old version si found here: [[1]
CC-IN2P3 resource allocation
This web space contains the minutes of the meetings of the CC-IN2P3 resources allocation committee (in french.
2005 LCG-France resource planning
This document contains a summary of the 2005 computing resources requested by the four LHC experiments for the LCG-France sites and for the period 2005-2010
2007-v1 "revized" LCG-France resource planning
This document contains a summary of the 2007-v1 revized computing resources requested by the four LHC experiments for the LCG-France sites and for the period 2007-2010
2007-v2 "revized" LCG-France resource planning
This document contains a summary of the 2007-v2 revized computing resources requested by the four LHC experiments for the LCG-France sites and for the period 2008-2012
LHC Experiment's Computing Models: Alice, Atlas, CMS, LHCb
These are the presentations made by the experiments for the LHCC Review of january 2005. ATLAS computing model wiki (access to recent documents)
Technical note on disk technologies for the LCG Tier-1 at CC-IN2P3
This document presents the comparison (features, performance and costs) of two disk technologies that could be used to store data for LHC experiments at the Tier-1 at CC-IN2P3, namely SAN (Storage Area Network) and DAS (Disk Attached Storage) (in french).