Bienvenue sur le site LCG-France - Welcome to the LCG-France website
LCG-France is the french contribution to the international collaboration building the worldwide LHC computing grid. The project is dedicated to the LHC computing and was launched in 2004 by High Energy actors to
- provide a funded Tier-1 centre and an Analysis facility in CC-IN2P3, Lyon supporting the 4 LHC experiments
- promote the emergence of Tier-2 and even Tier-3 centres with help of Regional funding agencies, Universities…
- establish collaboration with others Tier 1 and Tier 2 sites
- and make agreements on International MoU commitments with WLCG project
You will find here more information on what the LHC is.
News and Events
- Software engineer - CDD-HN-LCGFrance-0802-EN -- -- dead line applications: September 30th,2008 / Ingénieur de développement - CDD-HN-LCGFrance-0802-FR-- candidatures jusqu'au: 30 Septembre 2008
- New Tier-2 site at IPHC (Strasbourg)has been accepted by LCG-France ! (26/06/08)
- Post-doctoral position available (apply before July 31st, 08) / Appel à candidatures pour un CDD Haut-Niveau (ouvert jusqu'au 31 juillet)
- CC-IN2P3 appeared in november 2007 edition of TOP500 list of the world's fastest supercomputers (in french).
- CNRS has created the « Institut des Grilles » (Grids Institute) wich federates all its actions concerning computing grids and distributed computing systems (september 2007).
- LCG-France: steadily ramping-up to get ready for the LHC (march 2007).
In March 2007, more than seventy members of the LCG-France project gathered in order to discuss about the progression of the French part of the global grid infrastructure for LHC accelerator. This meeting which was divided into several sessions highlighted the challenging aspect of the computing grid with respect to the LHC experiments and the progress made during the last several months. It was also the occasion to reinforce communication between the representatives of the experiments and the sites. (Read more)
The agenda et the presentations of the workshop are available at the following address :2nd LCG-France colloquium/2ème Colloque LCG-France, 14-15 March 2007, Clermont-Ferrand
Funding Organizations
The LCG-France project is funded by the organizations below.