Atlas:Analysis Challenge

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  • measure "real" analysis job efficiency and turn around on several sites of a given cloud
  • measure data access performance
  • check load balancing between different users and different analysis tools (Ganga vs pAthena)
  • check load balancing between analysis and MC production

First exercise on the FR Cloud (>= December 8th )

Phase 1 : Site stress test run centrally in a controlled manner (2 days)

DA challenges have been performed on IT and DE clouds in october 08. Proposition has been made to extend this cloud-by cloud challenge to the FR Cloud. See ATLAS coordination DA challenge meeting (Nov. 20)

First exercise will help to identify breaking points and bottlenecks. It is limited in time (a few days) and requires careful attention of site administrators during that period,in particular network (internal & external), disk, cpu monitoring. This first try (Stress tests) can be run centrally in a controlled manner. The testing framework is ganga-based. ATLAS coordination (Dan van der Ster and Johannes Elmsheuser) needs to know which sites to be tested and when.

- Dec. 8-9: 1rst round with Tokyo and possibly GRIF   
- Dec 14 :  stop of MC production 
- Dec. 15-16 : 
    possibly : LAPP, CC-IN2P3-T2(to be confirmed), Tokyo, GRIF, 
    sites with 1gbps LAN : CPPM, NIPNE, LPC (to be contacted)
- Dec 17 :  restart of MC production
Phase 2 : Pathena Analysis Challenge
  • Dec 17-18 : Data Analysis exercice open to physicists with their favorite application and tools
  • Physicists involved : Julien Donini, Arnaud Lucotte, Bertrand Brelier, Eric Lançon, LAL ?, LPNHE ?

Participation required at cloud and site level. Any site in the Tiers_of_ATLAS list can participate.

It is possible for sites to limit the number of jobs sent at a time. 
DA team is ready to take into account site constraints.
DA team is open to any metrics

Target and metrics

  • Nb of events : Few hundred up to 1000 jobs/site
  • Rate (evt/s) : up to 15 Hz
  • Efficiency (success/failure rate) : 80 %
  • CPU utilization : CPUtime / Walltime > 50 %

