ALICE native xrootd

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Decommissioning ALICE native xrootd servers and dealing with data loss

Aim of this documentation

This objective of this document is to detail the procedure to follow by system administrators when they want to remove a xrootd server (decommissioning) or when they lost a filesystem on a xrootd server.

This document is based on the mails exchanged on the list and on the real cases encountered at the GRIF-IPNO site. Costin Grigoras is the author of the different recommendations and tips successfully applied at IPNO.

About the examples

The examples are taken from the IPNO sites where the redirector is and the xrootd servers are ipngridxrd1, ipngridxrd2, ... On all the xrootd servers the data partitions mount points follow the same naming convention: the data partitions are /grid/xrddataX {X=1..8}.

A quick presentation of the xrootd files tree

On each xrootd server there are on or more disk partitions where the data files are stored. There is also a namespace which is a directory containing the names of the data files: theses names are the ones the redirector uses. The name itself is a symlink to the real data file. The name space can be in a separate partition or in a subdirectory of a data partition.

In the case of IPNO, the namespace is always a subdir of the first data partition. Here are some example from one xrootd server:

# df -h|grep xrddata
/dev/sdb1             9.1T  5.6T  3.6T  62% /grid/xrddata1
/dev/sdb2             9.1T  5.6T  3.6T  62% /grid/xrddata2
/dev/sdb3             9.1T  5.6T  3.6T  62% /grid/xrddata3
/dev/sdb4             9.1T  5.6T  3.6T  62% /grid/xrddata4
/dev/sdc1             9.1T  5.6T  3.6T  62% /grid/xrddata5
/dev/sdc2             9.1T  5.6T  3.6T  62% /grid/xrddata6
/dev/sdc3             9.1T  5.6T  3.6T  62% /grid/xrddata7
/dev/sdc4             9.1T  5.6T  3.6T  62% /grid/xrddata8
# ls -ld /grid/xrddata1/namespace
drwxr-xr-x 18 xrootd xrootd 4096 Mar 30  2015 /grid/xrddata1/namespace

The data file  %grid%xrddata1%namespace%00%65278%b8f9f574-dd42-11e4-a4e6-63e8b3f6492f in the partion /grid/xrddata6 is recorded in the namespace as /grid/xrddata1/namespace/00/65278/b8f9f574-dd42-11e4-a4e6-63e8b3f6492f :

# ls -lh /grid/xrddata1/namespace/00/65278/b8f9f574-dd42-11e4-a4e6-63e8b3f6492f
lrwxrwxrwx 1 xrootd xrootd 85 Apr  7  2015 /grid/xrddata1/namespace/00/65278/b8f9f574-dd42-11e4-a4e6-63e8b3f6492f ->

# ls -lLh /grid/xrddata1/namespace/00/65278/b8f9f574-dd42-11e4-a4e6-63e8b3f6492f
-rw-rw-r-- 1 xrootd xrootd 3.6M Apr  7  2015 /grid/xrddata1/namespace/00/65278/b8f9f574-dd42-11e4-a4e6-63e8b3f6492f

To access the file in this example, the URL will be root:// where ipngridxrd0 is the redirector here. For example to copy the file from a WN:

# xrdcp root:// /tmp/xrd_test.dat
[root@ipngrid90 ~]# ls -lh /tmp/xrd_test.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.6M Nov 18 10:54 /tmp/xrd_test.dat
[root@ipngrid90 ~]# rm /tmp/xrd_test.dat

Decommissioning a xrootd server

You may need the remove an xrootd server for many reasons (old hardware, frequent failures, ...). Before stopping the server and disconnecting it from the network, ALICE should be informed by sending an e-mail to The experts from ALICE will tell you what to do to transfer the data elsewhere. There are possibilities:

  1. you have enough space on an other xrootd server on you site to transfer the data to
    • in this case you must copy the data with rsync to this xrootd server
  2. you have enough space available on your SE but no xrootd server alone can receive all the data
    • in this case, ALICE will ask you to send the list of the GUIDs and sizes of the files you need to transfer and will manage the transfer to your SE
  3. your SE doesn't have enough space to store the copies of the files
    • in this case, ALICE will ask you to send the list of the GUIDs and sizes of the files you need to transfer and will manage the transfer to the SE on another ALICE site

The procedures in the different cases are detailed below.

Transfer or copy preparation : put the xrood server in read-only mode and collecting files GUIDs

Il any case, before starting the copy of the files, you must stop xrootd services on the server beeing decomminssioned, remount the partions in read-only mode and restart xrootd services.

If I have 8 xrootd data partitions:

service xrdservices stop
for i in $(seq 1 8); do mount -o remount,ro /grid/xrddata$i; done
service xrdservices start

If you can copy the files to another xrootd server by rsync, you don't need to collect the GUIDs of the files. But if the transfer is to be done through xrood itself (from SE to SE), you need to collect the files GUIDs and provide them to the ALICE experts.

The script (attached below) will produce 4 files in the subdir /var/tmp/GUIDS_$(hostname)_PID.

  • file_names : contains the namesto be used in the xrootd URL of a file when using xrdcp for example
  • guids_and_sizes : contains the GUIDs of the data files plus their sizes
  • missing_files_names : contains the list of missing files (broken symlinks or missing data files)
  • missing_files_guids : contains the GUIDs of the files in missing_files_names


# date ; sh /grid/xrddata1/namespace; date
Wed Nov 18 17:13:14 CET 2015

The result of this script will be stored in files in /var/tmp/GUIDS_ipngridxrd16.in2p3.fr_26511 ...

Wed Nov 18 17:24:06 CET 2015

# cd /var/tmp/GUIDS_ipngridxrd16.in2p3.fr_26511

# ls -lh
total 94M
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 49M Nov 18 17:16 file_names
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 46M Nov 18 17:24 guids_and_sizes
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   0 Nov 18 17:24 missing_files_guids
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   0 Nov 18 17:16 missing_files_names

# wc -l *
 1052450 file_names
 1052450 guids_and_sizes
       0 missing_files_guids
       0 missing_files_names

# head -2 file_names

# head -2 guids_and_sizes
0cc502f4-1c43-11e5-b7b2-5f940fb22164 18961963
2444240a-de72-11e4-9879-079c5762f860 936798

Move data with rsync to another local xrootd server

Suppose that A is the xrootd server being decommissioned and B a xrootd server having enough disk space.

What to do in case of data loss ?